Since 5’s humble beginnings, we have continuously challenged conventional wisdom and explored alternative paths to create breakthrough results for others. We explore different methods and angles to every new issue or opportunity, brainstorming and celebrating fresh ideas along the way. One of the most fundamental, simple, and yet innovative discoveries in our business has been our team-based approach to almost everything. We extract such a tremendous amount of value from our team’s connectedness and diversity that we even made t-shirts that read “There is no ‘i’ in 5 (the number not the word).” Hopefully, you get the joke in that statement…
But teamwork at 5 is no joke. In fact, we have developed systems of communication, accountability, camaraderie, and cross-training that ensure the satisfaction of each of our stakeholder groups (clients, vendors, suppliers, employees) regardless of typical resource constraints like busy periods, vacations, sick days, etc. We utilize a set of tools and processes, both in-house and external, to consistently share notes, deadlines, obligations, and reminders. Rather than trying to outperform one another, our team outperforms with one another in pursuit of excellence.
This emphasis on team-based work does not mean individual responsibility is compromised. One-on-one coaching and individual management and metrics are the mechanisms used to ensure deadlines are met and 5ers are held accountable to goals, objectives, and projects. It is important to note that this culture of accountability is not maintained through a climate of fear. The founders and leaders at 5 set a positive tone and encourages transparency, allowing 5ers to freely share problems, issues, and challenges without fear of backlash. This is what enables individuals to be open, honest and to bring their most creative, forward-thinking ideas to the table as we collaborate with one another.
Our focus on teamwork also provides redundancy and fosters personal development. In this spirit, 5ers cross-train one another to avoid any slowdowns or interruptions to the business when a team member is unavailable (vacation, sick leave, etc). We subscribe to the idea that we would rather serve as valuable contributors to 5 by training others to fill our shoes when needed rather than holding on to a specialized skill that no one else has. This approach enables 5ers to develop additional skills that help to maintain the continuity of our business.
Our team-based approach is applied in sales, account management, business unit leadership, accounting, customer service, supplier relations, and more. If you need proof of concept, check out the award wall that highlights our balanced success of growth, culture, leadership, and innovation.
The next time you see your favorite sports team with a sign that reads “There is no ‘i’ in TEAM”, remember that there is not one in 5 either.
Let’s talk culture, contact us to start the conversation today.
2 min read
Topics: Culture

Written by Jeff Schiefelbein
Jeff Schiefelbein is the Chief Culture Officer for 5 where he oversees sales, marketing and recruiting. Jeff has a proven track record of innovation and leadership through his involvement in company start-ups, technology development, personal coaching, and strategic management. Before 5, Jeff served as the Vice President of Sales at First Choice Power. Jeff has also been nationally recognized for the creation and implementation of CARPOOL at Texas A&M University, the nation’s most successful college safe-ride program to reduce drunk driving. For his work on CARPOOL, Jeff was featured on ABC’s Volunteers Across America and has won numerous awards, including the National Daily Point of Light Award and the Texas Governor’s Volunteer Service Award. Jeff has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Texas A&M University. He advises several nonprofits and serves as the President of the Board for The Highlands School in Irving, Texas. He is also a motivational speaker and the host of a monthly Catholic radio show.